Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

Literatură SF

Subiect Tematic: Literatură SF
Țara sursă: MD: SIBIMOL
Lucrări: 1 lucrari in 90 publicatii in 2 limbi
The path of Heaven : riding out from the storm de: Wraight, Chris (Text tipărit)
Fallen Angels : deceit and betrayal de: Lee, Mike (Text tipărit)
Pharos : the dying of the light de: Haley, Guy (Text tipărit)
Tallarn : war for a dead world de: French, John (Text tipărit)
Legion : secrets and lies de: Abnett, Dan (Text tipărit)
Descent of angels : loyalty and honour de: Scanlon, Mitchel (Text tipărit)
Praetorian of Dorn : alpha to omega de: French, John (Text tipărit)
Galaxy in flames : the heresy revealed de: Counter, Ben (Text tipărit)
The master of mankind : war in the webway de: Dembski-Bowden, Aaron (Text tipărit)
False gods : the heresy takes root de: McNeill, Graham (Text tipărit)
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