Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

Literatură americană - Romane fantastice

Subiect Tematic: Literatură americană - Romane fantastice
Lucrări: 5 lucrari in 147 publicatii in 4 limbi
Shannara. Vol. 2. The elfstones of Shannara de: Brooks, Terry (8/01/1944 - ) (Text tipărit)
Shannara. Vol. 1. The sword of Shannara de: Brooks, Terry (8/01/1944 - ) (Text tipărit)
Magisterium. [vol. 3]. The bronze key de: Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ); Clare, Cassandra (27/07/1973 - ) (Text tipărit)
Magisterium. [vol. 2]. The copper gauntlet de: Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ); Clare, Cassandra (27/07/1973 - ) (Text tipărit)
Beyond the spiderwick chronicles. Vol. 3. The wyrm king de: DiTerlizzi, Tony (6/09/1969 - ); Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ) (Text tipărit)
Magisterium. [vol. 1]. The iron trial de: Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ); Clare, Cassandra (27/07/1973 - ) (Text tipărit)
Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles. Vol. 2. A giant problem de: DiTerlizzi, Tony (6/09/1969 - ); Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ) (Text tipărit)
Magisterium. [vol. 5]. The golden tower de: Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ); Clare, Cassandra (27/07/1973 - ) (Text tipărit)
Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles. Vol. 1. The Nixie's song de: DiTerlizzi, Tony (6/09/1969 - ); Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ) (Text tipărit)
Magisterium. [vol. 4]. The silver mask de: Black, Holly (10/11/1971 - ); Clare, Cassandra (27/07/1973 - ) (Text tipărit)
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