Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

Pepene, Nicolae

Personal Name: Pepene, Nicolae
Agency: RO: BJTL
Works: 0 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
Europa 100 : în benzi desenate : Festivalul de benzi desenate istorice by: (Language materials, printed) Author of introduction, etc. [080]
Astra Regală : istorie by: (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
Judeţul Sibiu : Istorie şi imagini de epocă by: (Language materials, printed) , [70]
Can for Balkans : catalogue of the can for Balkans comics alliance networking for Balkans project by: Muzeul de Istorie Brașov (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
Astra : istorie by: (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
Astra : literatură, artă şi idei by: (Language materials, printed) Editor [340]
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