Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea


Topical Subject: Napoleon
Works: 1 works in 33 publications in 3 languages
Maria Walewska : marea iubire ascunsă a lui Napoleon by: Aubry, Octave (Language materials, printed)
Letizia : Napoléon et sa mère by: Decaux, Alain (Language materials, printed)
Un mare imperiu, un nume pentru eternitatea istoriei: Napoleon Bonaparte by: Popescu, Petru Demetru (29/07/1929 -) (Language materials, printed)
Napoleon : Pro şi contra by: Geyl, Pieter (Language materials, printed)
Napoleon by: LUDWIG, EMIL (Language materials, printed)
Napoleon : omul mai puţin cunoscut by: (Language materials, printed)
Napoleon Bonaparte by: Popescu, Petru Demetru (29/07/1929 -) (Language materials, printed)
Napoleon Bonaparte by: Eminescu, Gheorghe (Language materials, printed)
The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars by: (Language materials, printed)
Memorialul din Sfânta-Elena by: Las Cases, Emmanuel Auguste Dieudonné, conte de (Language materials, printed)
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