Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea


Topical Subject: astronomi
Works: 0 works in 10 publications in 2 languages
The History of Astronomy by: (Language materials, printed)
Johannes Kepler by: Hart, Michael H. (Language materials, printed)
Cerul şi Pământul by: Moser, Diane K.; SPANGENBURG, RAY (Language materials, printed)
Nicolaus Copernic by: (Language materials, printed)
Nicolaus Copernicus by: CRAIG, ANNABEL (Language materials, printed)
Nicolaus Copernic by: HELLEMANS, ALEXANDER (Language materials, printed)
Johannes Kepler şi orbita eliptică by: Moser, Diane K.; SPANGENBURG, RAY (Language materials, printed)
Cum a descoperit Kepler legile mişcării planetelor by: Chiorcea, Nicolae (Language materials, printed)
Copernic şi naşterea unei revoluţii by: Moser, Diane K.; SPANGENBURG, RAY (Language materials, printed)
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