Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

romane autobiografice

Topical Subject: romane autobiografice
Works: 0 works in 12 publications in 3 languages
Little house on the prairie by: Ingalls Wilder, Laura (1867-1957) (Language materials, printed)
All the bright places by: Niven, Jennifer (Language materials, printed)
Persepolis. Vol. 2 by: Satrapi, Marjane (Language materials, printed)
Dan : roman. Vol. 2 by: Vlahuţă, Alexandru (5/09/1858 - 19/11/1919) (Language materials, printed)
Persepolis : the story of a childhood by: Satrapi, Marjane (Twodimensional graphics)
Dan : roman by: Vlahuţă, Alexandru (5/09/1858 - 19/11/1919) (Language materials, printed)
Little house on the prairie by: Ingalls Wilder, Laura (1867-1957) (Language materials, printed)
Voi fi o stea by: Collins, Joan (Language materials, printed)
Iubindu-l pe Pablo, urându-l pe Escobar by: Vallejo, Virginia (Language materials, printed)
La Petite Maison dans la prairie by: Ingalls Wilder, Laura (1867-1957) (Language materials, printed)
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