- ABC-ul basmelor
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Dragomir, Cornelia Others: Manolache, Adriana Others: Petre, Mariana Others: Soare, Lili Statement of Responsibility: Adriana Manolache, Cornelia Dragomir, Mariana Petre, Lili Soare Published: Aramis Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2003 Name of Manufacturer: Megapress Holding s.a. ISBN: 973-8473-41-1 Description: 49 p. : il. Language: Romanian Subject: învăţământ preşcolar Subject: Învăţământ - Metodici de predare Shelf number: 37/P52 Classification: 371.3:82-93-821 Classification: 372.3:372.416
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