Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Cronica muzicii clasice : un jurnal intim al vieţii şi muzicii marilor compozitori
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Kendall, Alan
    Translator: Tocuţ, Mihaela
    Translator: Danubiu, Ioan
    Statement of Responsibility: Alan Kendall
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: trad. dinlb. eng. Ioan Danubiu, Mihaela Tocuţ
    Published: Aquila '93
    Place of Publication: Oradea
    Year of Publication: 2007
    Name of Manufacturer: Star Standar
    ISBN: 978-973-714-176-7
    Description: 288 p. : il.
    Notes: Titl. orig. (eng) : The Chronical of Classical Music : An Intimate Diary of Lives and Music of the Great Composers
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: compozitori
    Subject: Muzică clasică - Cronologie
    Subject: Istoria muzicii
    Classification: 78(100)(091)
    Classification: 78.071.1
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