- Endocrinologie : Ghid de diagnostic şi tratament în bolile endocrine
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Mocanu, Veronica Others: Vulpoi, Carmen Others: Găleşanu, Corina Others: Mogoş, Voichiţa Editor: Zbranca, Eusebie Statement of Responsibility: prof. dr. Eusebie Zbranca, prof. dr. Voichiţa Mogoş, prof. dr. Corina Găleşanu, conf. dr. Carmen vulpoi, conf. dr. Veronica Mocanu Published: Polirom Place of Publication: Iaşi Year of Publication: 2007 Name of Manufacturer: Tipografia Lidana ISBN: 978-973-46-0750-1 Edition: ed. a 2-a, revăzuta si adăugită Description: 456 p. Language: Romanian Subject: Medicină - Investigaţii Subject: Medicină - Patologie Subject: Glande endocrine Subject: Boli endocrine - Terapie Subject: Boli endocrine - Dignostic Classification: 616.4-07/08
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