- Limba şi literatura română clasa a VIII-a : antologie de texte comentate
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Boatcă, Maria Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Şovu, George Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Boatcă, Silvestru Statement of Responsibility: prof.Maria Boatcă, prof.Silvestru Boatcă, prof.George Şovu Published: Cartea Şcolii Place of Publication: [Bucureşti] Year of Publication: 1994 Name of Manufacturer: Coresi ISBN: 973-95962-1-5 Description: 272 p. Language: Romanian Classification: 371.27:373.5:373.6:378 Classification: 821.135.1.09(075.6):811.135.1(075.6)
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