Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Pearl Harbor. Ziua infamiei : o relatare ilustrată
  • Record Type: Twodimensional graphics: monographic
    Author: VAN der VAT, DAN
    Translator: Scorbureanu, Alexandrina
    Others: McCain, John
    Others: Lundstrom, John
    Illustrator: Freeman, Tom
    Statement of Responsibility: De Dan Van der Vat
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: introducere realizată de senatorul John McCain
    picturi realizate de Tom Freeman
    consultant istoric John Lundstrom
    trad. Alexandrina Scorbureanu
    Published: Aquila '93
    Place of Publication: Oradea
    Year of Publication: 2001
    ISBN: 973-9494-54-3
    Description: 176 p. : il. color
    Notes: Bibliogr.
    Notes: Index
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: Pearl Harbor
    Subject: America - Istorie
    Classification: 94(73 Pearl Harbor)"1941.12.07"
    Classification: 94(73 Pearl Harbor)"1941.12.07":94(100)"1939/1945"
    Classification: 94(73):(52)"1941"
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