- Presa buzoiană şi râmniceană : dicţionar bibliografic
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Oproescu, Alexandru (08/05/1940 -) Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Ulici, Laurenţiu Statement of Responsibility: Alexandru Oproescu Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: pref. Laurenţiu Ulici Published: Biblioteca Judeţeană „V. Voiculescu” Buzău Place of Publication: Buzău Year of Publication: 1995 Name of Manufacturer: S.C. Porto-Franco S.A. ISBN: - Description: vol. Language: Romanian Contain: Presa buzoiană şi râmniceană. vol. 1 Classification: 015:05(498 Buzău) Classification: 05(498 Buzău):801.32
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