Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Revolta împotriva lumii moderne
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Evola, Julius (19/05/1898 - 11 iunie 1974)
    Others: Risé, Claudio
    Translator: Nicolau, Cornel
    Others: Grossato, A.
    Statement of Responsibility: Julius Evola
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: studiu introd. de Claudio Risé
    anexe de A. Grossato, R. Melchionda, G. Monastra
    bibliogr. îngrijit. de G. Casalino, R. Fondi, A. Morganti...
    trad. de Cornel Nicolau
    Published: Antet
    Place of Publication: Filipeştii de Târg
    Year of Publication: [2004]
    Name of Manufacturer: Antet XX Press
    ISBN: 973-636-108-X
    Description: 356 p.
    Notes: Anexe
    Notes: Bibliogr.
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: Umanism
    Subject: Sisteme filosofice
    Subject: Secolul 20
    Subject: Evola, Julius
    Subject: civilizaţie
    Classification: 008/009(100)"19"
    Classification: 14(450) Evola, Julius
    Classification: 141.33
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