Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Se căsătoresc dovleceii : proză satirică
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Bookjacket designer: Weiss, Ortwin
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Silvestru, Valentin
    Book designer: Ghermanschi, Anatol
    Illustrator: Cazacu, Constantin
    Statement of Responsibility: Selecţia de Anatol Ghermanschi
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: pref. de Valentin Silvestru
    cop. de Ortwin Weiss
    desenele de Constantin Cazacu
    Published: Astra
    Place of Publication: Braşov
    Year of Publication: 1984
    Name of Manufacturer: I.P. Braşov
    ISBN: -
    Description: 186 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: proză umoristică
    Classification: 82-7=135.1
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