Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Tulburări de personalitate
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Lăzărescu, Mircea
    Collaborator: Nireştean, Aurel
    Statement of Responsibility: Mircea Lăzărescu, Aurel Nireştean
    Published: Polirom
    Place of Publication: Iaşi
    Year of Publication: 2008
    Name of Manufacturer: S.C. Print Multicolor S.R.L.
    ISBN: 978-973-46-0760-0
    Description: 470 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Subject: Personalitate - Psihodiagnostic
    Subject: Psihologie comportamentală
    Classification: 159.923
    Classification: 159.923.3
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