Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Ucebnik russkovo iazîka : Dlea liţ govoreşcih na franţuzckom iazîke
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Ostapenco, V. I.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Vişneakova, T. A.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: VANEEVA, V. I.
    Statement of Responsibility: V. I. Vaneeva, T.A Vişneakova, V.I. Ostapenco
    Published: Izdatelictovo "Russkii Iazîc"
    Place of Publication: Moskva
    Year of Publication: 1975
    ISBN: -
    Edition: Izdanie 3-e, ispravlennoe
    Description: 480 p.
    Language: French
    Subject: Limba rusă
    Subject: Învăţarea limbilor străine
    Classification: 811.161.1=161.1=133.1
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