- Bazele logice ale ştiinţei
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Kopinin, P. V. Statement of Responsibility: P. V. Kopnin Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: cu o pref. scrisă de autor pentru ed. în limba română Published: Editura Politică Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1972 Name of Manufacturer: I.P. 13 Decembrie 1918 ISBN: - Description: 300 p. Language: Romanian Series: Idei contemporane Subject: Teoria cunoaşterii Subject: Raţionamente deductive Subject: Raţionalism - Logică Subject: Pozitivism Subject: Materialism dialectic Subject: Logică formală Subject: Logică Subject: Filosofia ştiinţei Subject: Filosofia naturii Subject: Cunoaştere ştiinţifică Subject: Cunoaştere de sine Classification: 001.3 Classification: 16 Classification: 165 Classification: 167/168
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- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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