- Intelectuali români în arhivele comunismului
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Mironov, Alexandru-Murad Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Cătănuş, Dan Others: Cătănuş, Ana-Maria Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Berindei, Dan Others: Anton, Mioara Statement of Responsibility: Dan Cătănuş, coord., Mioara Anton, Ana-Maria Cătănuş, Alexandru-Murad Mironov, Nicoleta Raluca Spiridon Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: pref. de acad. Dan Berindei Published: Nemira Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2006 Name of Manufacturer: RAMO ISBN: 973-569-907-9 ISBN: 978-973-569-907-9 Description: 656 p. Notes: Index Language: Romanian Series: Biblioteca de istorie Subject: Servicii secrete - România Subject: Scriitori români - Presiuni politice Subject: România - Regimuri politice - Comunism Subject: Poliţie politică (România) Subject: Intelectuali (România) - Presiuni politice Classification: 316.344.32(498):327.84 Classification: 327.84:821.135.1.09:929 Classification: 351.746.1(498):316.334.32
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