- Legendele românilor
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Editor: Brill, Tony Statement of Responsibility: ediţie critică şi studiu introductiv de Tony Brill Published: Grai şi Suflet - Cultura Naţională Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1994 Name of Manufacturer: Imprimeria Coresi Description: 3 vol. Language: Romanian Series: Mioriţa Contain: Legendele românilor. vol. 1. Legendele cosmosului Contain: Legendele românilor. vol. 2. Legendele florei Contain: Legendele românilor. vol. 3. Legendele faunei Classification: 398.2(498) Classification: 821.135.1-343(082) Classification: 821.135.1-822 Classification: 821.135.1-91-343
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