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Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Caragiale, Ion Luca (1/13 februarie 1852, Haimanale, jud. Prahova - 9 iunie 1912, Berlin, Germania) Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Adam, Ioan (1946-) Bookjacket designer: Botezatu, Pavel Book designer: Codreanu, Theodor Statement of Responsibility: I. L. Caragiale Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: Prefaţă, tabel cronologic şi selecţia referinţelor critice de Theodor Codreanu Published: Porto-Franco Place of Publication: Galaţi Year of Publication: 1998 Name of Manufacturer: S.C. Porto-Franco S.A. ISBN: 973-557-493-4 Description: 120 p. Language: Romanian Series: Biblioteca şcolarului Section Title: Teatru Subject: Literatură română Subject: Literatură română - Comedii Subject: Literatură română - Dramaturgie Shelf number: 821.135.1/C23 Classification: 082.1 Biblioteca şcolarului Classification: 821.135.1-22
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