Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Poveşti şi legende japoneze
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: McALPINE, HELEN
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: McAlpine, William
    Translator: Kiddell - Monroe, Joan
    Illustrator: Frăţilă, Augustin
    Statement of Responsibility: repovestite de Helen & William McAlpine
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: trad. de Joan Kiddell-Monroe
    il. de Augustin Frăţilă
    Published: Allfa
    Place of Publication: Bucureşti
    Year of Publication: 2001
    ISBN: 973-9477-73-9
    Description: 200 p. : il.
    Notes: Titl. orig. (eng) : Japanese Tales and Legends
    Language: Romanian
    Series: Mituri şi legende ale lumii
    Subject: legende japoneze
    Classification: 398.2(520)
    Classification: 821.111-91-34=135.1
    Classification: 821.521-34=135.1
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