Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Scrieri : amintiri din copilărie, poveşti, povestiri, teatru, corespondenţă, rostiri, zicători, cuvinte
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Creangă, Ion
    Book designer: Corbu, Daniel
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Cimpoi, Mihai
    Statement of Responsibility: Ion Creangă
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: pref. de Mihai Cimpoi
    selecţie de texte, note, bibliogr., itinerar biografic şi postf. de Daniel Corbu
    Published: Princeps Edit
    Place of Publication: Iaşi
    Year of Publication: 2008
    ISBN: 978-973-1783-86-4
    Description: 422 p.
    Language: Romanian
    Series: Biblioteca Ion Creangă
    Subject: Creangă, Ion - Corespondenţă
    Subject: Literatură română - Teatru - Antologii
    Subject: Literatură română - Poveşti - Antologie
    Shelf number: 821.135.1/C84
    Classification: 821.135.1-821
    Classification: 821.135.1-32(082)
    Classification: 821.135.1-2(082)
    Classification: 082.1 Biblioteca Ion Creangă
    Classification: 821.135.1CREANGĂ6
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