- Totul despre... calculatorul personal aMIC
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Others: Rizescu, Gheorghe Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: Petrescu, Adrian Others: Iacob, Francisc Others: Constantinescu, Cornel Statement of Responsibility: prof. dr. ing. Adrian Petrescu, coord., prof. emerit Gheorghe Rizescu, ing. asist. univ. Francisc Iacob, ing. asist. univ. Cornel Constantinescu... Published: Tehnică Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1985 Name of Manufacturer: I.P. Banat Description: vol. Language: Romanian Series: Automatică. Informatică. Electronică. Management. Seria "Practică" Contain: Totul despre... calculatorul personal aMIC. vol. 1 Subject: Calculatoare personale Classification: 004.382.7 Classification: 004:62-181.4 aMIC
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