- Tratat de psihiatrie psihodinamică
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Gabbard, Glen O. Translator: Dumitrescu, Mihaela Translator: Popa, Daniela Translator: Petcu, Camelia Translator: Ladea, Maria Statement of Responsibility: Glen O. Gabbard Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: trad. din lb. eng. de Maria Ladea, Camelia Petcu, Daniela Popa, Mihaela Dumitrescu Published: Trei Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2007 Name of Manufacturer: Monitorul Oficial ISBN: 978-973-707-164-4 Description: 672 p. Notes: Titl. orig. (eng) : Psychodinamic. Psychiatry in Clinical Practice Language: Romanian Series: Psihologie. Psihoterapie Subject: Narcisism Subject: Tulburări de personalitate Subject: Schizofrenie - Psihopatologie Subject: Tulburări afective Subject: Psihiatrie dinamică Subject: psihoterapie Classification: 616.89 Classification: 615.851.1 Classification: 159.964.2
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