Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Brătescu : buletin de informaţie şi cultură geografică
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: continuing resource
    Statement of Responsibility: Steaua Dobrogei
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: redactor coordonator: Gheorghe Băisan
    Place of Publication: Tulcea
    Year of Publication: 2005-
    ISSN: 1841-6802
    Language: Romanian
    Contain: Brătescu
    Contain: Brătescu
    Shelf number: 05(498)/B79
Copy Number: c.1
Location Name: Sala de lectură - adulţi
3 Copie(s) available
Copy Number: c.2
Location Name: Depozitul Legal Local
4 Copie(s) available
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