- Calul şi măgarul : fabulă
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: La Fontaine, Jéan de Statement of Responsibility: Jean de La Fontaine Description: p. 13-14 Language: Romanian Part of: Fabule alese. Bucureşti, 2006 Part of: Fabule alese/ Esop, Jean de la Fontaine, Anton Pann, Alexandru Donici, Grigore Alexandrescu, Dimitrie Bolintineanu.... Bucureşti, [1999] Part of: Lecturile copilăriei. Constanţa, 2005 Part of: Fabule/ La Fontaine. Bucureşti, 1967 Subject: fabule Subject: animale Classification: 821.133.1-191=135.1 Classification: 82-191=135.1
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