- Dumbrava roşie : versuri
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Bolintineanu, Dimitrie (??/01/1819 Bolintin-Vale - 20/08/1872 București) Statement of Responsibility: D. Bolintineanu Description: p. 47-48 Language: Romanian Part of: Legende istorice/ Dimitrie Bolintineanu. Bucureşti, 1991 Part of: Legende istorice/ Dimitrie Bolintineanu. Bucureşti, 1995 Part of: Legende istorice/ Dimitrie Bolintineanu. Bucureşti, 1984 Part of: Legende istorice/ Dimitrie Bolintineanu. Bucureşti, [s.a.] Part of: Poezie şi istorie la 1848/ studiu introductiv, antologie şi note de Emil Manu. Bucureşti, 1974 Classification: 821.135.1-1
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