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Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: DRĂGAN, J.C. Statement of Responsibility: J.C.Drăgan Description: 123-129 p. Language: Romanian Part of: Noi, Tracii/ Iosif Constantin Drăgan. Craiova, 1980. vol. 1 Subject: Zeul Hermes Subject: Zeul Dionisie Subject: Zeul Bendis Subject: Zeul Ares (zeul traco - geto - dac al războiului) Subject: Zeul Apollo Subject: Zalmoxis Subject: Totemul lupului Subject: Steag de luptă Subject: Herodot Subject: Daci Subject: Cultul morţilor Subject: Cultul focului Subject: Cavalerul trac Subject: Adamclisi Classification: 94(498.2)
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