Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Happy Feet 2 = Mumble dansează din nou
  • Record Type: Electronic resources: monographic
    Producer: Mitchell, Doug
    Illustrator: Miller, George
    Photographer: Peers, David
    Illustrator: Coleman, Rob
    Performer: Pitt, Brad
    Performer: Moore, Alecia, Pink
    Performer: Azaria, Hank
    Performer: Wiliams, Robin
    Author: Village Roadshow Pictures
    Statement of Responsibility: association with Village Roadshow Pictures a Kennedy Miller Mitchell
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: production with dr. D. Studios a George Miller Film
    voces: Robin Williams, Hank Azaria, Alecia Moore (Pink), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Sofia Vergara, Hugo Weaving, Richard Carter, Magda Szubanski...[et. al]
    animation director Rob Coleman
    cinematographer camera David Peers
    writen by George Miller, Gary Eck, Warren Coleman, Paul Livingston
    music by John Powell
    executive producers Chris DeFaria, Philip Hearnshaw, Graham Burke and Bruce Berman
    produced by Doug Mitchell, George Miller, Bill Miller
    directed by George Miller
    distribuitor: Warner Bros Entertainment
    Paralel Title: Mumble dansează din nou
    Published: Village Roadshow Pictures
    Place of Publication: [s.l.]
    Year of Publication: 2012
    Description: 2 Blue-ray Disc, 99 min.+ 1 carcasă
    Notes: Subtitrări: română, arabă, cehă, croată, maghiară, polonă, rusă, sârbă, slovenă
    Notes: Subtitrări pentru persoanele cu deficienţe de auz
    Language: English
    Subject: Filme de animaţie
    Subject: Filme 3D
    Subject: Înregistrare multimedia
    Shelf number: 791/H23
    Classification: 791.43:778.534.6(086.8)
    Notes: Cuprinde şi: Învăţaţi cum să îl desenaţi pe adorabilul pinguin Erik!
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