Biblioteca Jud. "Panait Cerna" Tulcea

  • Underworld : Awakening = Lumea de dincolo : Trezirea la viaţă
  • Record Type: Electronic resources: monographic
    Scenarist: Hlavin, John
    Producer: Wright, Richard
    Producer: Wiseman, Len
    Producer: Lucchesi, Gary
    Producer: Rosenberg, Tom
    Others: Prudhomme, Monique
    Composer: Haslinger, Paul
    Others: Wood, Tricia
    Actor: Dance, Charles
    Actor: Eisley, India
    Actor: James, Theo
    Actor: Ealy, Michael
    Actor: Rea, Stephen
    Author: Screen Gems
    Statement of Responsibility: Screen Gems and Lakeshore Entertainment
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: in association with Sketch Films Kate Beckinsale
    Stephen Rea, Michael Ealy, Theo James, India Eisley and Charles Dance
    casting by Tricia Wood and Deborah Aquila
    music by Paul Haslinger
    costume designer Monique Prudhomme
    editor Jeff McEvoz
    production designer Claude Paré
    director of photography Scott Kevan
    executive producers David Kern, James McQuide, David Coatsworth, Eric Reid, Skip Williamson, Henry Winterstern
    produced by Tom Rosenberg, Gary Lucchesi, Len Wiseman, Richard Wright
    based in characters creater by Kevin Grevioux and Len Wiseman
    story by Len Wiseman and John Hlavin
    screenplay by Len Wiseman, John Hlavin, J. Michael Straczynski and Allison Burnet
    Paralel Title: Lumea de dincolo
    Published: Lakeshore Entertainment Group LLC.
    Place of Publication: London
    Year of Publication: 2012
    Description: 1 Blu-ray Disc, 88 min.+ 1 carcasă
    Notes: Subtitles: english, arabic, bulgarian, croatian, czech, estonian, greek, hebrew, hindi, hungarian, icelandic, lithuanian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, turkish
    Subject: Filme 3D
    Subject: Filme artistice
    Subject: Înregistrare multimedia
    Shelf number: 791/U47
    Classification: 791.43(086.8)
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