- Significance and Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society
Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic Editura: Institutul European Locul publicării: Iaşi Anul Ediției: 2012 - ISBN: 978-973-611-894-4 Descriere: 3 vol. Limba: Engleză Serie: Societate & Cunoaştere Conține: Significance and Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society. Vol. 1. Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Economical Theories and Practices : Proceedings of the International Conference Baia Mare, 27 - 30 october 2011, Baia Mare - România Conține: Significance and Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society. Vol. 2. Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Psychology: Proceedings of the International Conference Baia Mare, 27 - 30 october 2011, Baia Mare - Romania Conține: Significance and Interpretation Within the Knowlefge Based Society. Vol. 3. Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy of Law, Educational Sciences Subiect: Epistemologie Clasificare: 165(063)
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