- Între Orient și Occident : Țările române la începutul epocii moderne : (1800 - 1848)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Djuvara, Neagu (1916 -) Translator: Carpov, Maria Bookjacket designer: Dragomirescu Mardare, Ioana Statement of Responsibility: Neagu Djuvara Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: trad. din fr. Maria Carpov Published: Humanitas Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2006 Name of Manufacturer: Universul ISBN: 978-973-50-1313-4 ISBN: 973-50-1313-4 Edition: Ed. a 4- a, rev. Description: 435 p. : note (p. 365-392), glosar (p. 393-396), rep. cronol. (p. 397-398), bibliogr. (399-409), index (p. 411-432); 20 cm Notes: Titl. orig.: „Le pays roumain entre Orient et Occident. Les Principautés danibiennes au début du XIX siècle” Language: Romanian Subject: Istoria României Subject: România - Istorie Subject: Ţările Române - Istorie Subject: Fanarioţi Subject: Epoca fanarioţilor Subject: Boierime română Subject: Secolul 19 Subject: Obiceiuri Subject: Datini şi credinţe româneşti Subject: Ţărani Subject: Ţiganii Subject: Muntenia Subject: Moldova Shelf number: 94(498)/D54 Classification: 94(498.1+498.3)”1800/1848” Classification: 39(498.1+498.3)”1800/1848”
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