- Tulcea poate fi un mare centru turistic al Europei : interviu
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Interviewee: Curtean de Hondol, Ioan Interviewer: Pătruț, Horia Statement of Responsibility: cu Ioan Curtean de Hondol Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: realizat de Horia Pătruț Language: Romanian Part of: Delta, 2020. Nr.8595, (03 aug.), p.3 Subject: Interviuri - Persoane intervievate Subject: S.C. Tulco S.A. Tulcea Subject: Curtean de Hondol, Ioan Online resource: https://ziaruldelta.ro/2020/08/03/tulcea-poate-sa-fie-un-mare-centru-turistic-al-europei/
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