- Matematică; Algebră; Geometrie : clasa a VI-a. 2 vol.
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Zaharia, Dan Author: Zaharia, Maria Book designer: Gologan, Radu Statement of Responsibility: Dan Zaharia, Maria Zaharia Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: coord. Radu Gologan Published: Paralela 45 Place of Publication: Piteşti Year of Publication: 2015- ISBN: 978-973-47-2118-4 Edition: Ed. a 4-a, rev. Language: Romanian Series: Mate 2000+ Contain: Matematică. Partea 1, semestrul 1. Algebră Contain: Matematică. Partea a 2-a, semestrul 2. Algebră Subject: matematică - Manuale şcolare Subject: învăţământ gimnazial Shelf number: 51/Z18 Classification: 51(075.3) Classification: 082.1 Mate 2000+
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