- Ținutul blănurilor. 2 vol.
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Verne, Jules Translator: Gabor, Gabriela (ed.) Statement of Responsibility: Jules Verne Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: trad. și note de Georgiana Gabor Published: Adevărul Holding Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2010 ISBN: 978-606-539-157-4 Notes: Tit. orig.: Le pays des fourrures Language: Romanian Series: Biblioteca Adevărul Contain: Ținutul blănurilor. vol. 2 Contain: Ținutul blănurilor. vol. 1 Subject: Literatură franceză - Romane de aventuri Shelf number: 821.133.1/V48 Classification: 082.1 Biblioteca Jules Verne Classification: 821.133.1-31=135.1 Classification: 821.133.1-311.3=135.1
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